Let's talk objections. How many times have you heard your prospects tell you “but I'm Not a Sales Person"? A Bunch! LOL! There is huge a misconception about the industry. And, the belief about what we do is “sales”! And yes, we do get paid to move our products and services. However, the truth of the matter is this is, this is really not a “sales deal.”
Network Marketing Objections
Let's Talk About the Truth!
Every time I hear people that assume network marketing is all about being a stellar
Network Marketing Tips: What To Do When They Don’t Sign on The Spot?
What to Do When They Don't Sign Up on the Spot? So you just finished your one to one, home party, open meeting, or online presentation and now it's time for them to sign up! But they don't. Now what? You gotta know what to do when they don't sign up on the spot.
Follow-up is the name of the game! You can do all this work up front, but if you do not follow up after the presentation and all your efforts will be lost. Have you ever heard the phrase the fortune is in the follow-up? Well it is!
Network Marketing Objections: How to Handle the “No Money” Objection
Have You Ever Faced the “No Money” Objection?
Doesn't it just tick you off? You spend all this time showing them everything and then they say they have “no money”? How can this be!
So, would you like to learn how to handle the situation? Or even avoid it altogether? Let's talk about how…
So on a scale of one to ten, if one is the least ambitious person you know. And 10 is the most successful… Like you get sweaty Palms talking to them and you know that they would be awesome! Let's just say
Overcoming Network Marketing Objections
How You View Objections is extremely important… Just imaging you are going to buy a house, a car or some other life changing decision. Wouldn’t you ask questions before you said “YES” and signed on the dotted line? Of course you would!
So it is important that we help our prospect do the same! If they are really going to give this a go, commit their time, talent and treasure, it is only wise for them to ask questions… Don’t you agree?
Questions are nothing more then a “Request for More