Have You Ever Felt like a Deer in the Headlights? You are talking to a prospect… And they could be amazing! You ask them if have they ever heard of your company... And they say YES!... OMG! They already know! Now what? What do you say? What do you do?
That is Where Most People Go Wrong… They STOP…They assume that the prospect already knows everything! Just because somebody has heard of your product or service does not mean they already know everything... It does not mean the answer is no...
3 Most Common Prospect Responses to Network Marketing
There Are Three Very Common Responses You Will Get From Prospects. You're out and about…you find someone, you strike up an awesome conversation. Then you ask him if they're open to talk more business? Then what? LOL?
There’s Only 3 Responses. In all of my years are prospecting I found that there are really only three responses you are ever going to get. Now that should be encouraging! LOL! Because there's not 20! There's just three! Once you get these three down, you should be good to go! So
What Do You Say When Your Prospect Asks “Is this Network Marketing?”
What Do You Say When Your Prospect Asks “Is this Network Marketing?” Does that question freak you out? It does for many people whether they get “Is this network marketing”? “Is this multi-level”? Or the dreaded one “Is this a pyramid?” What the heck do you say to that? And how do you respond? Well there's two parts really…
Number One: We Can Avoid this Objection All Together. How do you do that? Stop talking like you're in network marketing! LOL! Often times people will say certain things
How To Eliminate Getting the Most Common Objections
Don't You Hate Objections? They are such a pain! Wouldn't it be great if you could avoid them altogether? The answer is…YOU CAN! Here is a concept that can revolutionize your business!
Address the Elephant in the Room… Beat them to the punch. Instead of waiting until they bring it up, you can bring it up first!
Expose the very thing they are thinking so you can put your spin on it and explain it thru and thru. And now it is viewed as you explaining verses them bring up an
How To Handle ANY Network Marketing Objection
Don’t You Hate it When You Get an Objection? They don't have the money, they don't have the time, they want to talk to their spouse… Need to do the research… Want to think about it. They want to try your product…. And anything else you can possibly think of!
Next Time You Get an Objection You Can Smile! Because objections are just a request for more information! If you get an objection it actually means they want to know more! Versus saying no and leaving! LOL! So let's talk about some ways
How to Stop Getting the Price Objection
Do you ever wonder why you keep getting the price objection? You're out there building your business… showing the plan, and it seems like time and time again people keep saying it's too expensive! Have you ever thought about Why??? Perhaps there something you can do about it? Wouldn't it be great if you could avoid this objection all together? Well you can!
Oftentimes we have an absolutely amazing product. That helps in so many different areas. And it could really transform your prospects
Overcoming the Price Objection in Network Marketing
Do you ever get the price objection? You know, when your prospects says “This is too expensive!” Is that not the most retarded thing you've ever heard? Don't they know how valuable what you're offering is? It's like they just don't get it! Well if you ever get this objection then there's a few things that you can do to combat it.
How to handle “it's too expensive”… Well the best way to combat this objection is just simply by adding more value. Oftentimes your prospect does not see how truly
Network Marketing Tips: What To Do When They Don’t Sign on The Spot?
What to Do When They Don't Sign Up on the Spot? So you just finished your one to one, home party, open meeting, or online presentation and now it's time for them to sign up! But they don't. Now what? You gotta know what to do when they don't sign up on the spot.
Follow-up is the name of the game! You can do all this work up front, but if you do not follow up after the presentation and all your efforts will be lost. Have you ever heard the phrase the fortune is in the follow-up? Well it is!
What to Say When They Ask “How Much Money Are You Making?”
Don't you hate when your prospect asks “How much money are you making?”. Doesn't it make you want to scream! Don't they know you're just getting started! Well instead of looking like a deer in the headlights. Why don't we have something to say. LOL! Here are Four Specific Comebacks Statements you can use the next time you get this objection.
Script for Overcoming Objections:
Answer Number 1
So one of the things I think it is great to use, whether you are day one just getting started, or
Network Marketing Objections: How to Handle the “No Money” Objection
Have You Ever Faced the “No Money” Objection?
Doesn't it just tick you off? You spend all this time showing them everything and then they say they have “no money”? How can this be!
So, would you like to learn how to handle the situation? Or even avoid it altogether? Let's talk about how…
So on a scale of one to ten, if one is the least ambitious person you know. And 10 is the most successful… Like you get sweaty Palms talking to them and you know that they would be awesome! Let's just say