What Do You Say When Your Prospect Asks “Is this Network Marketing?” Does that question freak you out? It does for many people whether they get “Is this network marketing”? “Is this multi-level”? Or the dreaded one “Is this a pyramid?” What the heck do you say to that? And how do you respond? Well there's two parts really…
Number One: We Can Avoid this Objection All Together. How do you do that? Stop talking like you're in network marketing! LOL! Often times people will say certain things
Network Marketing Objections: “Is this a Pyramid?’
One of the biggest objections people are afraid to get it is the good old Pyramid objection. Have you ever been so excited? You finally get a chance to talk to a prospect that you really think has potential? But then you realize you have a problem... Not far into the conversation they drop the bomb! They ask…
“Is this a Pyramid?”
NOW WHAT! What do you say? What do you do? Where do you go from here? Has this ever happened to you? Welcome! You have been officially indoctrinated in to Network