How Do You Build a Business When You Don't Have Much Time On Your Hands? This is a common question. Especially from people that are really out there getting things done!
When you think about who you want to have in your team, it’s people that are busy and know how to get things done! So how do we juggle it all?
Ever Heard of Parkinson's Law? This is how it goes. The work will expand to fill the time allotted. So when you have all day to get something done… it usually takes you all
3 Tips for a ROCKIN’ Week!
As an entrepreneur the more productive we can be… The more focused we can have… The more we can make each week count…the better off things are going to be at the end of the month and the end of the year! So here are Three Tips for a ROCKIN’ Week!
Tip Number 1: Schedule Your Time. Oftentimes it's so easy to get busy and have things come up. Don’t let the part the drives your business slip through the cracks! You might have other obligations at work, church, or with your kids. There can be all
The Results Economy: 6 Ways to Create Greater Results in Your Life
We Live in the Results Economy. Not to think so is naive. We're in a day and age where jobs are being outsourced to other countries. And people are even getting replaced with computers. If you want to win in this game, you've got to stay ahead!
6 Ways to Create Greater Results in Your Life
Number One: Get Clear
I learn a phrase years ago that has followed me in business and I use it all the time! “Cash Follows Clarity.” The more clear you can get about something. The more you fine tune
How Should You Spend Your Time Building Your Network Marketing Business?
Are You Building Part Time? How Should You Spend Your Time?
As someone building network marketing part-time how you spend the time that you do put in to your business is quite important. Whether you're doing this 5 hours a week, 10 hours, 15 hours or 20! How you spend your time is critical!
One thing that is extremely important is that the time is spent doing things that actually produce results in your business! They help get you closer to accomplishing your goals! It is easy to get stuck in
How to Build Network Marketing with Very Little Time?
Have you ever wondered how to build your business if you don't have much time?
Well this may be a question you have for yourself…Or perhaps you've heard it from a prospect before. In fact, I think it is a great problem to have! It can help you to have excellent posture! The less time you have , the more selective you become! So let's talk about six specific areas that can help you if you're building a business with very little time…
Tip Number 1:Be Strategic. Decide who you want to work with,
7 Habits of Highly Effective People
In case you have not heard of him, Stephen Covey is one of the most world acclaimed teachers and the area of personal development… especially when it comes to business. He wrote a book called the “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” In it he shares things, that if you put them into practice, they can help to maximize the results see you getting your life and your business.
7 Habits of Highly Effective People Summary:
Habit 1: Be Proactive
This is absolutely essential, it's all about shifting
You Get What You Focus On
We live in a day an age filled with distractions. There are so many things that vie for your time and attention. Whether your kids and family or the much more mundane things like a ringing phone, the bing of a text message, social media notifications, responsibilities from work or organizing something you are in charge of. It is so very easy to get distracted. Many times people start their day distracted and continue on thru constantly reacting to every little thing that comes their way.
Simple Time Management Tips to Increase Results
Simple Time Management Tips
We are in a day and age where people are overwhelmed. They have so much on their plate. They have a to-do list a mile long, and quite frankly don't feel like they have enough hours in the day to get it all done. We all know, we can't really manage time. Time is going to continue to keep on ticking no matter what we do, but we can manage our use of the time. I'm going to be sharing with you my top five time management techniques, to help you get the best results!