How to "Quit Proof" Your Goals? So what's the difference between you and everybody else that is already come and gone? We live in an industry, and in a time where people quit on just about everything in life! They quit on their health goals, they quit on their marriages, and they definitely quit on network marketing! Maybe you have seen some of this already?! LOL!
So What Will Make You Different From Everybody Else!? What will cause you to persevere when
How to Become a Network Marketing Leader & Join the TOP 2%
Would You Like to be Considered One of the Top Leaders in Your Company? Would you like to be seen among the ranks of the top 2%? Well you can! Top leaders follow a very predictable path on how to get there. This may sound like news to you, but we're going to get into the details on what exactly is key that caused their success!
There Are Many Thought Leaders That Have Talked About This Subject… Brendon Burchard, John Maxwell, Jeff Olson, Darren Hardy, Jim Rohn. All of these leaders have
4 Tips to Hit Your Goals this Month
It's The Start Of a Brand New Month! What can you do? What can you accomplish? The sky's the limit! There's no better time to set your goals then in the beginning of the month!
And I Got Some Interesting Stats For You! There was a study done with the graduating class of Harvard in 1979. This was a study on Goal Setting. When they started the study, 84% of the graduates did not have any goals written down. They just wanted to graduate and get their degree. 13% of the graduates had goals
5 Tips to Help You Get to the Finish Line!
Do You Ever Feel Overwhelmed by How You're Going to Get to Your Goals? Oftentimes we have big dreams and goals that we are pushing for. Things that excite us, things that motivate us and things that inspire us! But when it comes to actually getting them done, it can be a little overwhelming! How do you get to the finish line? You don't have to know everything… But you do have to start!
5 Tips to Help You Get to the Finish Line!
Tip #1: You Got to Get Clear on What You're Going For. What
3 Tips for a ROCKIN’ Week!
As an entrepreneur the more productive we can be… The more focused we can have… The more we can make each week count…the better off things are going to be at the end of the month and the end of the year! So here are Three Tips for a ROCKIN’ Week!
Tip Number 1: Schedule Your Time. Oftentimes it's so easy to get busy and have things come up. Don’t let the part the drives your business slip through the cracks! You might have other obligations at work, church, or with your kids. There can be all
How to Gain Speed and Clarity for Life & Business
Do You Ever Feel Uncertain? Fuzzy on What You Need to Do? Just not a hundred percent at getting things done? Sometimes it's very easy to set ambitious goals but then half way through wonder how on Earth you're going to get there!
There are lots of leaders that talk about different ways to learn and grow in life in business. John Maxwell talks about the Law of Reflection in his 15 Irrefutable Laws of Growth. Jim Rohn is notorious for talking about PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Adjust). And all of
How to Hit Your Goals This Month!
Would you like to hit your goals this month but feel like the time is running short? Sometimes it is easy to start off the month with grand aspirations for what it's possible, but then as the clock starts ticking and time start winding down it may look like you're not going to make it… Ever been there?
Here is an idea that will help… It is something I learned from real estate guru Grant Cardone. It is his philosophy on goal setting and achieving. He says “Don't Reduce Your Target, Increase
The Results Economy: 6 Ways to Create Greater Results in Your Life
We Live in the Results Economy. Not to think so is naive. We're in a day and age where jobs are being outsourced to other countries. And people are even getting replaced with computers. If you want to win in this game, you've got to stay ahead!
6 Ways to Create Greater Results in Your Life
Number One: Get Clear
I learn a phrase years ago that has followed me in business and I use it all the time! “Cash Follows Clarity.” The more clear you can get about something. The more you fine tune
Network Marketing Tips: New Month KICK OFF Plan!
It's a New Month! It's a New Day! Are You Ready to Rock It Out? I sure hope so! So let's talk some strategy! Here are some things you can do to launch your team and get in and out of the gates quickly this month! Also if you do not have a team just yet we will be talking about what you should do to get things rolling!
Each and every month we want to begin with the end in mind! Creating momentum! Ranking up! Earning bonus checks! Qualifying for luxury cars! And picking up any trips that are on
7 Habits of Highly Effective People
In case you have not heard of him, Stephen Covey is one of the most world acclaimed teachers and the area of personal development… especially when it comes to business. He wrote a book called the “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” In it he shares things, that if you put them into practice, they can help to maximize the results see you getting your life and your business.
7 Habits of Highly Effective People Summary:
Habit 1: Be Proactive
This is absolutely essential, it's all about shifting