How Do You Build a Business When You Don't Have Much Time On Your Hands? This is a common question. Especially from people that are really out there getting things done!
When you think about who you want to have in your team, it’s people that are busy and know how to get things done! So how do we juggle it all?
Ever Heard of Parkinson's Law? This is how it goes. The work will expand to fill the time allotted. So when you have all day to get something done… it usually takes you all
Handling Fear in Network Marketing
Everybody Deals with Fear. Even the boldest, baddest, most confident person… they too deal with fear! Not I think so is naive! But here is where things get good!
It's How We Deal with Fear That Determines What We Get Out of Our Life! Fear can paralyze you, it can hold you back, it can make you anxious, it can make you worried. Or it can be something you use as a driver. Fear can be something that motivates… rather than deflates. Something that pushes you forward, rather than holding you
One Huge Myth About Network Marketing…
There's One Huge Myth About Network Marketing and it's run rampant throughout society. Many times people think that if they want a really large team, that they need to sponsor hundreds and hundreds of people. So not true! You don't need to sponsor the world! Just a handful of good ones!
In fact the majority of your top leaders you will find will not be the people that you were directly sponsor. You find them through people, who bring in people. So what should you do and how do you find the
4 Ways to Stay Motivated in Network Marketing
In Network Marketing Internal Motivation is Key! You can have the biggest dream, the biggest goal but if you don't have the internal drive and motivation to complete it, the odds are that it will never get done! Here are four ways to help you stay motivated on your journey to success!
Motivation Tip #1: Keep It In Front of You. Keep your goals at the forefront of your mind. Get a 3x5 Card that you can write down what you want to see happen in your life. Read it out loud in the morning and at