Do you know about the “No Quota”? Have you ever heard of such a thing! Everybody is usually running to get the YES! The idea of going for a No is actually a crazy concept right! What's funny is most of the time think of the NO as bad. That it's a sign of rejection or that we're simply failing at something. It’s actually not true!
Go For No! I recently read a book called “Go for No”. It really helped change how I thought about getting no’s and I think it will help you as well! To sum it all up
Influencing Others: What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You!
Today We Are Talking About Influence! Influence is the one key ingredient that really helps you move the needle. All top leaders have it. And many aspiring leaders wanted. But there are a couple of common misconceptions about influence and today we are going to talk about both!
Influence Misconception #1: People Assume that Influence is Automatic. Often times people will think that because of their position in life that they should automatically have influence.
Influence Misconception #2:
MLM Motivation Tips: How to Motivate Your Network Marketing Team
Could you imagine if it actually worked like everyone told us! You know… You go and personally sponsor 5 people and they are super pumped and do the exact same thing! You know, 5 who get 5, who get 5! And before you know it, by the time your six levels down, you have 15,625 people in your team! YAHOOOOOOOO!!!! Wouldn’t that be great if it REALLY worked like that! LOL! Reality check! It doesn’t! LOL!
Metcalfe's Law: That whole scenario is based on Metcalfe's law and it is what everybody uses
Network Marketing Tips: 5 Keys for Out-of-Town Sponsoring!
Have You Ever Wondered What it'd Be Like to have the team all across the country? It's actually pretty AWESOME! It gives you a lot of extra advantages! So let's talk about how you get it?
Out-of-Town Sponsoring TIP #1: You've Got to Prospect UP! That means you're looking for leaders. Business owners. Who do you know that owns The Print Shop… the restaurant you go to, who is your realtor? Who do you know that is self-employed? Who do you know that's got the mouth of the South! Hairdressers,
Network Marketing Prospecting is as Easy as Saying Hello!
Prospecting is as Easy as Saying Hello! Sometimes it's easy to be afraid of prospecting. Because you may not feel sure of what to do or because your unsure on what to say… Do you know what I'm talking about?
But Here's The Deal… It's really as easy as saying “Hello”! That's it! You just have to have your antenna up and be aware of the people that are around you. It's not that big a deal!
Here’s How It Can Go Down… Recently I was out shopping and I met a lady
Network Marketing Recruiting Tips: How to Get More Business Partners Not Just Customers?
Ever Felt like it's Hard to Get Business Partners? You're great at signing up customers! In fact you have a bunch! But how do you get other business people? Have you ever felt like that? There are a lot of people who do!
We Are All Sold on The Dream, With the Power of Duplication… But we just don't see it duplicating! All we're getting is more and more customers… Are you with me? Can I get an AMEN! LOL!
So Why is That? One of the main reasons this could be, is because we mostly talk about
Network Marketing Objections: What If They Have Already Heard of It?
Have You Ever Felt like a Deer in the Headlights? You are talking to a prospect… And they could be amazing! You ask them if have they ever heard of your company... And they say YES!... OMG! They already know! Now what? What do you say? What do you do?
That is Where Most People Go Wrong… They STOP…They assume that the prospect already knows everything! Just because somebody has heard of your product or service does not mean they already know everything... It does not mean the answer is no...
How to Build Network Marketing without Losing Friends
You Don’t Have to Lose Your Friends… One of the biggest fears people have in doing network marketing is ruining the relationships of their friends. There are some people that do that... They get involved with network marketing and before you know it, every time you talk to them they bring up the subject!
Almost like they are hiding behind a bush, waiting to jump out at you when you walk by! You just say “hi” and before you know it, they are talking about their business ---once again! Let us
Network Marketing Tips: Sales Lessons from Tony Robbins
I Just Got a Sales Lesson from Tony Robbins! I had the honor and privilege of listening to a special interview that he did recently. He was chatting with a lady in her early to mid thirties. She had just sold her company for 250 million dollars. They discussed some fabulous thoughts on sales.
Getting The “Buy In” In growing and building her company she had to get a lot of people on board with a completely new concept and idea. It was something people didn't already know about and she had to
The Big MLM Myth: Are You Talking To the Right People For Your Biz?
Are You Talking To the Right People For Your Biz? Do you ever feel unsure? Like you just don't know if you're talking to the right people? There are a couple of sure tell signs… And there's a couple common misconceptions. Today we're going to talk about them so you can have a clear vision of who you're looking for and what you can expect to take place.
The List. When you first get started we all are told to start by making “your list” of connections. You want to go through your phone, your