Did You Catch a Case of COMPARITIS? There's a rare disease that has been prevalent amongst Network Marketers. It's been going on for quite some time but is especially common around this time of year.
What am I talking about? Comparitis! You know what I'm talking about because everybody does it! So many people get caught in comparing! They can pair the size of their team… their rank in the company…their income… And the list goes on and on!
Comparitis is Disease That Will Actually Hold You
How to Increase Your Own Self Confidence
Why is Self Confidence Key? Do you ever notice how there are some people who think they can go for it? And because of that they usually do! And then there are some people who wish they could go for it but just don't really feel that it can happen for them?... These things are real!
Self Confidence Plays into Every Area of Your Life… Your business, your relationships, how you feel about yourself. What you think is possible! The Bible says that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth
How to Have Strong Posture with Network Marketing Prospects
Posture Is One of The Keys to Success! The stronger your posture the more people will have a tendency to chase you down. The weaker your posture the more they will have a tendency to run from you! So lets talk about some things that you can use that will help you position yourself to win with your prospects!
There Are More Of Them Than There Are of Us. That's the first thing that you want to know and get strong in your heart. There's a whole world full of people that are out there! Many have
Creating MLM Results: How to Move Forward if You Don’t Have Results Yet
Have You Ever Felt Like You Were in the Middle of a Catch 22? You want to do awesome in business, you want to be successful, but how do you move forward if you don't have results yet? Sometimes this can be a daunting question and one that lingers in the minds of many aspiring Network marketers.
Are Six Ways to Move Forward if You Don’t Have Results Yet.
Number 1: Model the Behavior of Those Who've Gone Before You. We live in an amazing profession and it is easy to find a good role model.
How To Build Confidence & Tap Into the Greatness Inside of You!
What Determines if You Sink or Swim? What determines if you go for it... or pull back? What determines how successful you will be in life... business… and your relationships? Here are two things that weigh very heavily on the outcome. The first is your own self confidence how you view yourself. What you think you can or cannot do. The second is your belief system. What do you believe is possible what do you think your goal should be. What you think you can accomplish or attain.
Much of these
John Maxwell’s The Law of the Mirror for Network Marketers
I recently had the honor and privilege of developing a product with John Maxwell. The entire thing was based on the 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth. This was a version for Network Marketers! One of the things that was talked about was The Law of the Mirror.
The Law of the Mirror is something that plays out in our everyday lives all the time! Way more often than we even consider. If you've never heard of it, here's what it is...
When You Look in the Mirror What Do You See? How do you see
How to Answer “What Do You Do?” When You are Part Time in Network Marketing?
How Do You Answer “What do You do?”
Especially when you're building your business part-time? Have you ever been at a party, church, or some other social setting and someone asks you “what do you do?” And then you're not quite sure how to respond… You feel like a deer in the headlights because you are not 100% with how to answer… You do work during the day, but you also have your network marketing business that you're wanting to get off the ground.
What the Heck Do You Say?
Well we're going
11 Easy Tips to Increase Your Self Confidence
If you want to win in business confidence is king! It determines whether you will hold back, or go for it one hundred percent! Whether you would push forward to rank up, or decide to do it “next time”. Whether you will be bold enough to talk to the prospect, or just let an other opportunity pass you by. It determines just about everything!
Since confidence is so very important, and vital to all that you do. We're going to talk about 11 Easy Tips you can do to increase your self confidence!
How to Restart Your Network Marketing Business?
So you're ready to restart your business?
You tried before a while back and then took a breather... But now you're ready to get back in the game… Sometimes when this happens it is easy not to be sure where to start. If that is how you feel, we’re going to talk all about it! Where do you start? What do you do? How do you get things going?
First and foremost there is one thing that we need to do if we want to build confidence…we need to get you some wins! This is Paramount!
I recently had a
Network Marketing Wisdom from 6 & 7 Figure Earners
The 6 & 7 Figure Master Mind I recently had the honor and opportunity to spend time at a six and seven-figure network marketing Mastermind. These are some of the sharpest and brightest people in the world come that come together talk to about our amazing profession!
There were so many things I learned. Out of all of the pages of notes I took, I believe this one item will have the greatest impact on your life... Here is what it is…
“You Are One Sentence Away from Your Failure... Do not