Did You Catch a Case of COMPARITIS? There’s a rare disease that has been prevalent amongst Network Marketers. It’s been going on for quite some time but is especially common around this time of year.
What am I talking about? Comparitis! You know what I’m talking about because everybody does it! So many people get caught in comparing! They can pair the size of their team… their rank in the company…their income… And the list goes on and on!
Comparitis is Disease That Will Actually Hold You Back More Than Anything Else. What you’ll find is, that the more you compare… the less you do! Whatever you don’t use you lose! There’s so much more than meets the eye when you see people succeeding. Sometimes someone will have a temporary burst of success.
Are You Reading Just the Cliff Notes? However it is much more common to realize that you are seeing the “cliff note” version of their life. You are ONLY seeing the “Here And Now”. But you did not see the five or ten years of preparation that they did. That preparation led up to them being the person that they needed to be, so that they could succeed very quickly in this endeavor.
Have You Ever Read the Book Outliers? It’s by Malcolm Gladwell. It is a phenomenal book that will really help you discover how to think about things like this. Watch the video for much more details on this and some words of inspiration for your journey!
Here is the link mentioned in this video: 10 Steps Process for RANK ADVANCING! If you are ready to bust thru your limitations and get to your BREAKTHROUGH then this is for you!
I believe that these 10 Steps are essential to ranking on up! They will help you blast past your fears… defy your difficulties… And create a new belief system and way of thinking that will cause you to WIN!
If You Are Ready to See Yourself Get Paraded Across Stage at Your Next Company Convention!… If you are ready to start living life on your terms! If you are ready to claim whats already yours and live your dreams to the full… then this is for you! Don’t wait another minute. Its time to get on with the businesses of getting things done! It’s time for your BREAKTHROUGH! Click here to get started!
There is much more to come! I will be sharing on going business principles to Increase your Leadership, Maximize Results and help you become a TOP EARNER!! Be Blessed & Live Victorious!
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Summer Jeronimo’s Network Marketing Blog Post
Email: [email protected]
“I Teach Network Marketers Business Principles to MAXIMIZE RESULTS, INCREASE LEADERSHIP & EARN MORE!
I do “Live” Trainings on Facebook! Here is how to Join the Party! Just update your settings and you will know when I jump on! Click Here
PS- Are you looking for a way to make things go faster? Are you consider coaching? Check out the Work with Summer Tab and perhaps we should talk!