Do You Know the Number One Reason People Quit Network Marketing? Maybe it's something you're struggling with right now or perhaps someone in your team. There are so many different things that we go through being entrepreneurs and building a business. If this is new to you, and maybe you've always work for somebody else; You are certainly getting a taste of what it's like to be an entrepreneur, plus learning as you go. There is much to learn… new skills, how to work with people, how to lead
4 Reasons Why Your Prospects May NOT Be Signing Up
Have you ever felt like your were talking to prospects but they were not signing up? It's easy to get frustrated and wonder what's the problem. You are talking to people but you're not getting the result you're looking for. Your pipeline is full but there's nothing coming out the other end. Are you too nice? Are they not interested? What's the deal?
I am going to unveil the BIG 4! These are Four Potential Reasons why Prospects may NOT Be Signing Up!
Reason #1: They Don't Have Enough
How to Stop Chasing Network Marketing Prospects After Giving Out Samples
Do You Feel Like You Are Chasing Your Prospects After You Give Them Samples? Have you ever placed samples with a prospect and when you are trying to follow up you discover they have entered the witness protection program? Here’s how it usually goes… You talked to a Prospect they are super excited! You give them samples to try… But then when you go to follow up they totally wig out on you… Or they fall off the grid and do not return your calls! Do you know what I am talking about?
Why Calling Some Network Marketing Prospects Just Doesn’t Work?
Have You Ever Wondered Why Calling Some Prospects Just Doesn't Work? So you start off… you make your list. You put everyone down. Then you start by connecting with your “A Players” people that you think would be phenomenal if they joined your team. Some of the people you have are people that you're close to and talk to all the time. But some are people that you haven't talked to in quite a while. Have you ever wondered why when you reach out to call them they don't pick up the phone? Has it ever
How to Tap Into the Latino Market for Your Network Marketing Biz?
The Latino Market is HUGE! Latinos are a huge segment of the network marketing profession! We have seen them come in and completely changed the face of companies. We have seen people that have never done anything like this before go to the top! They're making waves and getting attention!
So here's the real question how do you tap into the Latino Community? How do you get a Hispanic team when you don't speak the language? We are going to talk all about it!
The Big Problem. One of the
What to Do When Your Prospect Says “I Want to Wait”?
Have You Ever Had a Situation… where you spent all this time talking to a prospect… You show them the plan. And they say they love it!... Love the company, love the leadership, love the products, but then the kicker comes… Then they tell you “they want to wait”! Doesn’t that make you want to scream! LOL! Anybody that's out there building has definitely been thru a scenario like this! The question is what the heck do you do when you get in this type of situation? We're going to talk about a
4 Approaches for Rejection Free Prospecting
It's Always a Challenge if You Get Nervous Contacting the People that You Know. It doesn't really matter if you're brand new just getting started or if you've been in the business a little while. If you don't feel comfortable contacting, it will be something that will stump you every time!
Since it’s very important that you get good at it if you really want to do this thing big. Contacting people is going to be the foundation from which you're going to launch your business. So let's talk
Network Marketing Tips: How To Prospect Your Waiter or Waitress…
Have You Ever Been Out to Eat and Were Blessed to Have an Awesome Waiter or Waitress? You want to hit them up for your business, but your not quite sure what to say…We're going to talk all about it! There's a couple of key tips that you're going to want to know, and we're also going to talk about exactly what to say.
Key Tips…
You want to wait till the end of the meal. You don't want to hit them up a front and then feeling comfortable the rest of the time you're with them. Talk to them
3 Huge Mistakes Many Network Marketers Make
Knowing What NOT to Do is Just as Important as Knowing What to Do! Whether your brand new to network marketing, or perhaps you've been involved for quite some time. There are common mistakes that I see over and over and over in the business. Three things that will hold you back, and stunt your growth. Today we're going to get into them so that we can unveil the mystery, and get these things out of your life. So let's get into them...
Huge Mistake #1:They Chase Their Friends! Have you ever
How to Have Strong Posture with Network Marketing Prospects
Posture Is One of The Keys to Success! The stronger your posture the more people will have a tendency to chase you down. The weaker your posture the more they will have a tendency to run from you! So lets talk about some things that you can use that will help you position yourself to win with your prospects!
There Are More Of Them Than There Are of Us. That's the first thing that you want to know and get strong in your heart. There's a whole world full of people that are out there! Many have