Do you ever get the price objection? You know, when your prospects says “This is too expensive!” Is that not the most retarded thing you’ve ever heard? Don’t they know how valuable what you’re offering is? It’s like they just don’t get it! Well if you ever get this objection then there’s a few things that you can do to combat it.
How to handle “it’s too expensive”… Well the best way to combat this objection is just simply by adding more value. Oftentimes your prospect does not see how truly amazing what you have is! So the best way to share with him how fantastic it is… is by sharing the benefits instead of the features. Oftentimes it’s very easy to get focus on WHAT IT IS. It is an energy drink, it is a health and nutrition product. It gives you all of the nutrition your body needs. It has 39 superfoods. It has all of your vitamin minerals. It has 1600% of your vitamin B12. And while that’s all fine and dandy…who cares!
Your prospect wants to know how will it make their life better. So tell them WHAT IT DOES. It helps to give you peace of mind. You will think and focus like never before. It will give you the energy and vitality to be able to get down on the floor and play with your kids after a long day at work. That’s what it does. And that’s what your prospect cares about.
So the next time you’re stuck in a difficult situation and you get the “that’s too expensive” objection. They simply don’t understand how great it is! Use a word picture to help them catch onto the greatness of what you have to offer.
What is a word picture? It’s where you described in vivid detail the how life will change if they have your product… You want to do it in such a way that they can almost get inside that scenario and can completely get what you’re talking about!
Here’s a few more pictures. Let’s that you have a skin care products… Instead of saying I have a skin care product. You could say “I help people get younger while they sleep”. Who wouldn’t want to sign up for that!
Let’s say you have a health and nutrition product. “I help you to have the energy you did when you were a teenager.”
Let’s say you have a weight loss product “I help people show up their ex by helping them lose that last 15 pounds and looking Super Fly!
Here’s another one, the next time your prospect gives you any kind of objection… just tell them the next time they get their paycheck “rip open that envelope take that paycheck out, hold it up to the light, rub the paper between your thumb and fore finger and look at what they paid you… Then ask yourself …is that really all I’m worth?” You know what the answer to that is! It might be time for them to start doing something about it! These are word pictures. They will help you to get inside your prospects head. They will help your prospect to see in Greater detail how this will truly help them change the quality of their life!
Here is the link mentioned in this video: 4 ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS to ATTRACTING PROSPECTS TO YOU on Social Media These are things that I use all of the time! Download the MP3 and You can begin attracting Prospects ASAP! I know this will help and I am excited for the results you will get!
There is much more to come! I will be sharing on going business principles to Increase your Leadership, Maximize Results and help you become a TOP EARNER!! Be Blessed & Live Victorious!
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Summer Jeronimo’s Network Marketing Blog Post
Email: [email protected]
“I Teach Network Marketers Business Principles to MAXIMIZE RESULTS, INCREASE LEADERSHIP & EARN MORE!
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PS- Are you looking for a way to make things go faster? Are you considering coaching? Check out the Work with Summer Tab and perhaps we should talk!