Do you know about the “No Quota”? Have you ever heard of such a thing! Everybody is usually running to get the YES! The idea of going for a No is actually a crazy concept right! What's funny is most of the time think of the NO as bad. That it's a sign of rejection or that we're simply failing at something. It’s actually not true!
Go For No! I recently read a book called “Go for No”. It really helped change how I thought about getting no’s and I think it will help you as well! To sum it all up
Handling Fear in Network Marketing
Everybody Deals with Fear. Even the boldest, baddest, most confident person… they too deal with fear! Not I think so is naive! But here is where things get good!
It's How We Deal with Fear That Determines What We Get Out of Our Life! Fear can paralyze you, it can hold you back, it can make you anxious, it can make you worried. Or it can be something you use as a driver. Fear can be something that motivates… rather than deflates. Something that pushes you forward, rather than holding you
How to Get Over Your Fear of Prospecting…
One of the Biggest Challenges we Have in Network Marketing Today is FEAR! Fear of rejection, fear of potential outcomes, fear of what my prospects might say. Oftentimes we end the story before we even begin because we prejudge prospects and are afraid of what will happen. We don't even give them an opportunity to say yes! So if you're dealing with this type of fear and these thoughts have been lingering in your mind. I heard something recently that I thought was extremely powerful and wanted to
Train for Your Success! MLM Fear Fighting Tips!
When you think about people that really win in life, and business. They plan and prepare for success... they don’t just go out there an “wing it”
When you think about any world class Athlete… They just don't go out and take the field and expect to bring home the gold or win the championship! They train! They train their body, and they train their mind. But w
hat's crazy is when we want to win and our business, when we want to bring home the gold, often times we just expect to go out