Sometimes It Can Be So Frustrating! You get in and get going and then your team quits! Or you seem to go real fast, but the volume does not stay? Do you know what I am talking about? Today we’re going to talk about how to jump start your business if you’ve been stuck at the same Rank for a while! Here is a Summary… Scroll Down for the Full Blog Post!
The 4 Main Reasons People Get Stuck?
Stuck At a Rank Reason #1: Trying to Revive the Dead
Stuck At a Rank Reason #2: Focusing Too Much on the Product.
Stuck At a Rank Reason #3: Not Launching New People.
Stuck At a Rank Reason #4: Not Enough Personal Production.
What Can You Do About It?
Jump Start Action Step #1: Remake the List!
Jump Start Action Step #2: Cherry-Pick the People You Would Like to Start With.
Jump Start Action Step #3: Expose Your Business Like Crazy!
Jump Start Action Step #4: Rapid Fire Follow Up.
Jump Start Action Step #5: Enroll & Engage
Here is something else that will further help you go further, faster! Its 10 Steps Process for RANK ADVANCING! If you are ready to bust thru your limitations and get to your BREAKTHROUGH then this is for you!
I believe that these 10 Steps are essential to ranking on up! They will help you blast past your fears… defy your difficulties… And create a new belief system and way of thinking that will cause you to WIN!
If You Are Ready to See Yourself Get Paraded Across Stage at Your Next Company Convention!… If you are ready to start living life on your terms! If you are ready to claim whats already yours and live your dreams to the full… then this is for you! Don’t wait another minute. Its time to get on with the businesses of getting things done! It’s time for your BREAKTHROUGH! Click here to get started!
There is much more to come! I will be sharing on going business principles to Increase your Leadership, Maximize Results and help you become a TOP EARNER!! Be Blessed & Live Victorious!
Did this help you? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented below and shared on Facebook. Also here are some insight quotes you can pass along!
Full Blog Post…
Sometimes It Can Be So Frustrating! You get in and get going and then your team quits! Or you seem to go real fast, but the volume does not stay? Do you know what I am talking about? Today we’re going to talk about how to jump start your business if you’ve been stuck at the same Rank for a while!
What’s the Reason? One of the first things we need to start with is the reason the team may not be growing… Here are the four main reasons
Stuck At a Rank Reason #1: Trying to Revive the Dead It is WAY easier to sponsor a new person, then to try and breathe life into people who’ve already lost the vision. Sometimes people get started and are excited about the business… but later then they kind of revert to more of a product user. That’s okay! We need people like that in our team they create great study volume! So what you want to do is focus on recruiting new people, instead of spending all your time and energy with those people.
Stuck At a Rank Reason #2: Focusing Too Much on the Product. No matter what you do, I’m sure you love the product you represent! Just know this, if you talk product you will get product users, if you talk business you will get business partners. Talk more business and you’ll get more business-minded people that want to join your team.
Stuck At a Rank Reason #3: Not Launching New People. This is very important because this is the gateway to duplication! If you don’t launch new people that join your team it’s kind of like throwing mud up on the wall and hoping it sticks. The odds of them succeeding drop down dramatically. So make sure it when a new person get started that you connect with them and help them get going quickly!
Stuck At a Rank Reason #4: Not Enough Personal Production. We have to be realistic…We cannot talk to 3 people in a month and expect our business to grow. If we really want to bring up things up, we need to have numbers that match what we are hoping for!
Now Let’s Talk About The Revamp Plan! We talked about what NOT to do… but what Should We Do?
Jump Start Action Step #1: Remake the List! I’m sure you made your list already, but let’s make it again! Some people you haven’t talked to you in a very long time and some people probably weren’t on your list to begin with! Just build your list now! Make it long and make it strong. Put 100, 200, 300 names on there.
Jump Start Action Step #2: Cherry-Pick the People You Would Like to Start With. The more people you have on your list, the better the posture you will have when talking to them. You have options! Yeah! That’s Right! Options! LOL! If someone wants to join you great, if not great, either way you’re good to go! You have lots of people to talk to.
Jump Start Action Step #3: Expose Your Business Like Crazy! It really doesn’t matter what you do. Tactics come and go, but principles remain the same. You can do one-on-ones, home parties, Zoom meetings, talk on FaceTime, or share a video! It doesn’t really matter how you do it. But what matters is that you expose as many people as possible to what you have, in a short period of time. You have to share what you have going on! The more exposure… the more chances people can say yes!
Jump Start Action Step #4: Rapid Fire Follow Up. This is really important because oftentimes we follow up and we feel funny. Or annoying. Follow up is essential! The key to follow up is that you want to set up the next exposure with that person while you are still in the current exposure! So if you are with a prospect and you do a 1 to 1 coffee date. If when they are there they say they want to talk to their spouse. Don’t leave and wait to hear back from them. Let them know the best thing would be for the 3 of you to get together, that way the spouse can hear everything 1st hand. They may be able to book the next meeting then. Or they may need to get back with you to confirm a time. But either way you already have the ball rolling. Make sense?
Jump Start Action Step #5: Enroll & Engage Now you want to enroll your new people and engage them in the process. You want to help them get launched and started. You want to share with them the exact same thing I just shared with you to launch their business…
Summer Jeronimo’s Network Marketing Blog Post
Email: [email protected]
“I Teach Network Marketers Business Principles to MAXIMIZE RESULTS, INCREASE LEADERSHIP & EARN MORE!
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PS- Are you looking for a way to make things go faster? Are you considering coaching? Check out the Work with Summer Tab and perhaps we should talk!