Learning how to Contact the people that you know is an absolutely ESSENTIAL Part to growing your business. You could have the best thing in the world but if you don’t contact the people you know, it will end up being the best kept secret! Now many people sometimes feel a little uncomfortable when it comes to this very subject. They love what they have but are just a little unsure when it comes to sharing it. So lets talk about it! Here are the steps you want to roll thru when getting started
Step #1: “List Building” How to find Network Marketing Prospects
We need to “Make Your List”! Go thru your phone, your Facebook, your email, work list and even your church directory. Start making a list on paper. The more people the merrier! Build a good solid list. Remember the more names you have the better your posture will be when contacting. Also you want to treat this process like a brain storm. Just write down any body and everybody tht comes to mind. You may be tempted to prejudge or prequalify here. However resist the urg to do that. Just write down anybody an every body that comes to mind. And if you don’t know their name – that’s ok! Just write “owner at the Restaurant on the Corner” or “Clerk at Check Out from Grocery Store”. Your goal is to get a good solid list together, 50-100+ names is ideal.
Step #2: Cherry Pick …Identify Your Best Candidates
Now its time to pick out our “A Players” People you would consider your Top Prospects! Who are the “TOP PROSPECTS”? We definitely need to talk about this…because many time people will pick out those they think are fabulous, but in reality they are NOT the people we want to start with. So our primary goal is to duplicate our selves, to grow our team by adding like-minded business people. However many times people will start with people that are broke and need a job or people that may have a strong interest in using your product. While we may circle up with these people later, it is not where we want to start. We are looking for people that are at your income and ambition level and above. People that if we showed this to them and they liked, it they would have the financial resources to sign up.
Best Places to Prospect for Network Marketing
“Influencers”- people that know a lot of other good quality people—Pastors, Hair Dressers, Coaches
“Connectors” -People involved and in Charge of Groups (PTA, Volunteer Group, Church Leaders, Ect)
Other MLM’ers– Think back to people you have met over the years that also like Network Marketing.
People that Own Businesses: Restaurant, Salon, Dry Cleaner, Franchise Shops like Subway, Gym Owners, Construction Business Owners
People that Work on Commissions: Realtors, Mortgage Broker, Credit Card Processing, Commission Sales People
Put a “Star” by your Top People.
Step #3: The Art of Prospecting in Network-Marketing …Let’s Contact Them
It is always best to contact people the way you normally communicate with them, be it phone, text, or Facebook. Now we are going to talk about 3 ways to Contact people. The “Qualifying Approach”, the “Non Qualifying Approach” and People you see only in Certain Scenarios. So lets start with the “Non Qualifying” approach. This is by far the easiest simply because it does not leave any room for rejection. Basically how it works is you reach out to the prospect and let them know you would like to get together. You set up the time to meet and then AFTER you have everything set you tell them why you want to see them.
MLM Prospecting Scripts:
So how this would work is…“Hey John! How’s it going? Hey can we get together some time! Want to go grab a coffee? What’s your schedule look like this week?” …John—“I am doing wonderful! Sure it would be great to see you! I am free Tuesday night after work.”… You—“Ok super! Want to do 6:30pm at Panera Bread” …. John- “Sure, sounds good!”… You—“Great! I have something I am pretty excited about! I look forward to sharing it with you! See you then!” That is it! You use your words but it is SO SIMPLE and ANY ONE CAN DO IT! What is great is there is no room for rejection. However since you are not qualifying them to see if they want to hear about it, you may end up with some people who don’t have much interest in what you have. That’s ok and is to be expected. The other way you can try is the “Qualifying Approach”. In this approach you actually ask the prospect if they are open to other ways of making money. This is great if you are super busy and you want to make sure the prospect would like to hear more about what you have. Here is an Example: “Hey John! How are you? Listen, I don’t have long to talk, but I have something I’d like to run by you. Do you have a sec?”-“Yes” … “I’m taking a look at something, and I thought about you. Looks like we can help some people and make some money. Are you open to making money outside of work?”-“Of course”… “Great! When can we get together in the next day or two?”
So Here is the Outline of how the Conversation Should Sound…
- Say “Hello” and be your self.
- Clear the time. (Ask if you are calling at an “OK” time.)
- Mention you only have a minute to talk.
- “Share the Message” as to why you called. Ask if they are Open
- Set Up a Time to Meet
- Say you Have to Run and finish the conversation
Network Marketing Prospecting Questions:
Here are a few other ways to bring it up…
“I am working on a business project and I thought about you. Do you keep your options open for making money outside of what you do at work?”
“I’m taking a look at something and I thought of you. Looks like we can help some people and make some money. Are you open to making money outside of what you do?”
“You remember the other day when you were complaining about _____? (Money Problem or Health Problem) I found something that can help and I want you to check it out! When can we get together?”
How To Approach People You See only in Certain Scenarios or Settings:
- “Listen, I wanted to run something by you. I know we are at work/church/gym, so now is not the best time to talk. Let’s connect up outside of here. What is the best number to reach you? (Enter their cell in your phone /or write it down.) “Great I will give you a call in the next day or two.”
- “I know we really don’t talk outside of _____ (church/ work/ gym, etc.), but you seem pretty sharp. I am expanding my business. Do you happen to keep your options open for making money outside of your job?”
How about your “Chicken List”? You know the people on your list that are terrifying to talk to? Remember successful people always like opportunities. You can use the “Qualifying or Non Qualifying Approach” with them. Just compliment their success. Tell them you respect them. Ask them to get together… That’s it! Here are a few examples:
Non Qualifying — “I know you’re super successful, and I have a lot of respect for you. I am working on a business project and wanted to see if you would give me your opinion. It would really help me out a lot, when can we get together?
Qualifying — “I know you’re super successful, and I have a lot of respect for you. I am working on a business project and it is shaping up to be quit lucrative. I am just curious; do you happen to keep your options open for other side projects to make money?”
People You Haven’t Talked to in a While: Here is an example for them: “Hey, there! It’s (your name)_ Wow! It has been ages since we spoke! I came across something that made me think of you, but before I share that with you, how have you been? It has probably been five years since we spoke!…How are you? How is the family?” Here are a few pointers when talking to them… Address the fact that you have not spoken in a long time. Mention that there was something that made you reach out and call and catch up with them on their news. You can use “F.O.R.M.” for ideas on what to talk about… F.O.R.M. stands for: Family, Occupation, Recreation, Message. Ask them questions about these topics. Like… How has the family been? What’s going on with your kids? I bet they are big now! …. How has work been? Are you still working at______? …What kind of fun things have you been up to? Have you guys been traveling much? Then Deliver the “message” about why you called. “The reason I wanted to reconnect with you is that I am working on a project, and it made me think of you. I remember you were always really good in business. (Say some kind of compliment which leads into what you want to share.) I have something that may be right up your alley! Are you keeping your options open for making money outside of work? When they say yes—go for your appointment…
How to Handle the “What is it” Response?
Undoubtedly when you ask someone if they are open making money OR finding out more about what you are doing, there are really only three responses you can get – “Yes, I am open”, “No I am not” or “What Is it?”
If you get a “Yes” or “What Is It?”. You always, always, always want to mention that “You only have a minute to talk” Or that you are about to “walk in to a meeting” because you need this as your reason to end the conversation. You don’t want to get into a scenario where they are asking you 20 Questions. So when they ask you “What is it” give them a short simple answer, get the appointment and end the conversation. Here are a few examples…
“It is something that is brand new to the area. It is helping a lot of people and there is good money to be made. So how does your calendar look for the rest of the week?…”
“Great question but to be honest, it is 90% Visual so I really just need to show you… When can we get together?”
I hope this added some value to you! There is much more to come! One of the big things that I know people struggle with today in their business is how to market on social media. I have something that will help! Click here & you can download my “ Social Media Blue Print -Online Techniques To Attract Prospects To YOU!”. These are things that I use all of the time and you can start using them right here and now! Get Your free gift & ENJOY!
There is much more to come! I will be sharing on going business principles to Increase your Leadership, Maximize Results and help you become a TOP EARNER!!
Be Blessed & Live Victorious!
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Summer Jeronimo’s Network Marketing Blog Post
Email: [email protected]
“I Teach Network Marketers Business Principles to MAXIMIZE RESULTS, INCREASE LEADERSHIP & EARN MORE!
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