What We Thought About Selling Was All Wrong! I recently started on an audiobook called Spin Selling. All I can tell you is I have been in the mind of a genius! This was an extensive study done over a 12-year period on the “Art of Sales”. And what’s funny is, it’s quite contradictory to what many of us have been taught or what we’ve heard in the industry.
There’s One Paramount Thing That Really Stood Out to Me. There was a huge difference between sales of “low ticket items” and sales of “high ticket items”. What they found that made a huge difference was when it came to high ticket sales, the people who we’re good at asking the “right questions” usually closed more business.
What Are the Right Questions? They asked things that would help uncover the need. Then they let the prospect share more on why they needed something to help with their problem. What happens often times when people meet with their prospect to talk about their product or opportunity, the person sharing does all the talking. This is the opposite of what you really want to do. People that consistently do very good and moving people to a “yes” decision help the prospect uncover the need themselves. They ask questions so that the prospect can talk about why they actually would need the product or service.
So How Does This Apply to Us in Network Marketing. You might ask someone “hey, do you keep your options open for other ways of making money outside of what you do?” They may say “yeah” Then you could go a little further and say “Hey, I am just curious… why are you keeping your options open?” And they will tell you. They will tell you why they need what you have.
How About Closing? Let’s say you show someone your presentation.
Some great questions to ask them afterward are “what did you like best about what you saw? Oh really, tell me more about that… What do you see in this for yourself? The next step is…”
This is usually the sequence I go through once somebody has seen my presentation. It’s very effective and what’s great about it is that people do not feel like they’re being hard closed. You’re just showing them the next step based on what they said they want!
Also if you would like more details on this and how to help more people come to a “Yes” Decision then click here.
Here is something else that will further help you go further, faster! Its 10 Steps Process for RANK ADVANCING! If you are ready to bust thru your limitations and get to your BREAKTHROUGH then this is for you!
I believe that these 10 Steps are essential to ranking on up! They will help you blast past your fears… defy your difficulties… And create a new belief system and way of thinking that will cause you to WIN!
If You Are Ready to See Yourself Get Paraded Across Stage at Your Next Company Convention!… If you are ready to start living life on your terms! If you are ready to claim whats already yours and live your dreams to the full… then this is for you! Don’t wait another minute. Its time to get on with the businesses of getting things done! It’s time for your BREAKTHROUGH! Click here to get started!
There is much more to come! I will be sharing on going business principles to Increase your Leadership, Maximize Results and help you become a TOP EARNER!! Be Blessed & Live Victorious!
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Summer Jeronimo’s Network Marketing Blog Post
Email: [email protected]
“I Teach Network Marketers Business Principles to MAXIMIZE RESULTS, INCREASE LEADERSHIP & EARN MORE!
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PS- Are you looking for a way to make things go faster? Are you considering coaching? Check out the Work with Summer Tab and perhaps we should talk!