Everything rises and falls on Leadership! The growth and the success of your business truly depends on the vision and leadership skills of the one at the helm of the ship…. If you are an Entrepreneur, Business Owner, or Network marketer then it depends on you!
Earlier this year I had the privilege of spending some time with Leadership Guru John Addison. If you are not familiar with John, Mr Addison is the former CEO of Primerica, a Billion Dollar Network marketing Company in the financial Services arena. He is known for his insights on personal development, success in the market place and business leadership advice.
During our time together John shared 9 Leadership Tips out of his book “Real Leadership: 9 Simple Practices for Leading and Living with Purpose”
Leadership Words of Wisdom from John Addison:
Leadership Tip 1: Decide Who You Are
Be Your Self and do it to the full! Don’t spend your life trying to fit in, being part of the crowd or doing what you think will please everyone. Be yourself. Better yet, be the Very BEST you that you can be. You were brought on this earth with a unique destiny and purpose. You can only accomplish it if you “Live out Loud!” Be Yourself! Be amazing! And go all out!
Leadership Tip 2: Let Your Light Shine Before Others
Man I love this tip! It goes right along with something that has been rooted at the core of the culture of our 45,000 Person Network Marketing Organization. (Matt 5:16) The More we can be a source of “hope and life” to those around us. The more we can truly change our communities and make an impact in families across the world.
Leadership Tip 3: Build on Your Strengths
This is great! I think the idea of of “building on your strengths” vs the idea “building on your weaknesses” has been at war for quite some time. If you build on your strengths you can take your skills from a 7 or 8 to a 10! Were as if you build on your weakness, when you are done may still just be mediocre! Building on your strengths and become OUTSTANDING!
Leadership Tip 4: Earn Your Position
Wow! This is Key. The lowest form of leadership is those who dictate just because they have a title. For one to truly be great you must “earn your position”. Put in the work, do your time and do business with honor and integrity. When you do that your people will love you and fully respect the contribution you have made.
Leadership Tip 5: Focus on What You Can Control
AMEN! Now there is a Tip to Live by! How many people focus on all the things they can’t control! The world seems to be spinning at full force and they focus on all the things that ruffle their feathers. When we focus on what we can control it helps to bring you to a place of peace and allows you to focus on changing the things that ARE in your control.
Leadership Tip 6: Develop a Peaceful Core
If you plan to get to the top you are going to have to slay some Goliath’s along the way. You will have to deal with your fair share of challenges and all sorts of people drama. Developing a Peaceful Core is an essential element to succeeding and enjoying the journey. (Philippians 4:7) We not only want to get to the top, but we want to the ride as pleasant as possible.
Leadership Tip 7: Be A Lighthouse
If you don’t stand up for something… You will fall for anything! You can be a lighthouse or you can be a weathervane. You can be a solid guiding light as constant as the north star. Or you can be tossed to and fro by all the winds that come your way. Choose to be the lighthouse. Be Solid. Be Steady. Be the one constant your people can always rely on. Stand up for what you believe and do not waiver. One of my very favorite quotes is by Benjamin Disraeli…
“Nothing can resist the human will that will stake even its existence on its stated purpose.”
That really sums it up.
Leadership Tip 8: Don’t Burn Bridges
This is KEY! People will come and people will go. You must always do your best to part on good terms. Many times in Network Marketing people will “quit”. They will “put it on the back burner” or they may even go to another company that they feel is a better fit for them at the time. It is how you respond in these scenarios that makes all the difference in the world. Decide to take the high road. Honor and respect that person no matter what season of life they are in. If you do that and don’t burn the bridge you will find that when they are ready they may “boomerang” on back to you because of how you handled the situation.
Leadership Tip 9: Make Your Parents Proud
Do the right thing all the time and put a smile on your parents face. One of the things that will bring you lots of joy is when you make your parents proud… Ephesians 6:3
This is some of the best leadership advice I ever got! Take it, use it, apply it and lets go change this world for the better!
I hope this added some value to you! There is much more to come! One of the big things that I know people struggle with today in their business is how to market on social media. I have something that will help! Click here & you can download my “ Social Media Blue Print -Online Techniques To Attract Prospects To YOU!” These are things that I use all of the time and you can start using them right here and now! Get Your free gift & ENJOY!
Here are some cool Image Quotes you can share on Social Media:
There is much more to come! I will be sharing on going business principles to Increase your Leadership, Maximize Results and help you become a TOP EARNER!!
Be Blessed & Live Victorious!
Summer Jeronimo’s Network Marketing Blog Post
Email: [email protected]
“I Teach Network Marketers Business Principles to MAXIMIZE RESULTS, INCREASE LEADERSHIP & EARN MORE!
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PS- Are you looking for a way to make things go faster? Are you considering coaching? Check out the Work with Summer Tab and perhaps we should talk!