What If Everyone Knows? How do you Market your network marketing business on social media if everybody already knows what you do? This is a great question! And I think that many people wonder this the back of their mind.
What do you do on Facebook or their other social media channels if everybody already knows the business you are in? Have you ever wondered this yourself? Let’s talk about some ways that you can use social media to your advantage, even if you feel like they already know.
The Shocking News…First and foremost I’m going to share with you something and it may seem shocking. They don’t ALL know! I remember when I first started marketing on social media I had already been with my company for several years. I thought everyone knew what I did. However, there were a lot of people on my list that I had not yet spoken to. Or people that we had talked, but they did not get started right away. Using social media marketing gave them an opportunity to Circle back around with me because it piqued their interest. So what should you do?
Do Something Different! You have got to start doing something different then what you did before. Clean up your wall. Don’t let your Facebook to look like a MLM billboard! Start posting things that are fun or interesting… Do Facebook lives… These are just a few things to get people interested in reaching out to you.
3 Ways to Connect with Prospects… Now let’s talk about three ways to connect.
Connection Point #1: Your Wall What are you posting? Are you posting things that would be conversational? Are you posting things that would pique other people’s interest? Are you posting things that would connect with your target market? All of these are good questions to think about.
Ideas for What to Post: Here are a few ideas… You want to post things that are going to get comments, likes and shares. Personal stuff is great. When you mix that in with business or inspiring quotes that is very helpful as well.
Engagement: You can also post questions that ask your friends to respond. Things like… “What did you want to be when you grew up? ”… Or “What’s your favorite power song?” Or “What is your favorite place to travel to?” Things that you are hoping your audience will respond to.
Connection Point #2: Private Message. Private message the people you want to connect with… “say hi” …start a conversation! You’re looking for people that have a need in their life for what you might be doing. Sometimes you might have conversations that you start and you may not hit up that Prospect right away. Other times the opportunity will present itself very quickly. But the more conversations you’re starting the more you can stack the odds in your favor.
Connection Point #3: Connect on Their Wall. If you want people to like, comment, or engage with your posts. Do the same for them… Give a little time focusing on your prospect and what’s going on in their life, and you’re going to start popping up in their news feed more. And they will be more likely to engage with you!
All of these things that we talked about are active ways that you can Market your business to create passive prospects reaching out to you. If you like to learn more about how to attract prospects to using social media click here
Also to learn about Passive Prospecting here are the 4 ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS to ATTRACTING PROSPECTS TO YOU on Social Media These are things that I use all of the time! Download the MP3 and You can begin attracting Prospects ASAP! I know this will help and I am excited for the results you will get!
There is much more to come! I will be sharing on going business principles to Increase your Leadership, Maximize Results and help you become a TOP EARNER!! Be Blessed & Live Victorious!
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Summer Jeronimo’s Network Marketing Blog Post
Email: [email protected]
“I Teach Network Marketers Business Principles to MAXIMIZE RESULTS, INCREASE LEADERSHIP & EARN MORE!
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PS- Are you looking for a way to make things go faster? Are you considering coaching? Check out the Work with Summer Tab and perhaps we should talk!