How to Deal With Rebuilding When a Person Quits? Have you ever had to rebuild? Have you ever had things Not go as expected? I think this happens way more often than we care to admit!
It Happens to Us All! In fact I don’t know one 6 or 7 figure earner that hasn’t had a point in their business where they had to rebuild! People quit, leaders leave, the company changes something, regulations change. It could be anything! But what do you do and how do you handle it? Let’s talk about it…
I.D. the Problem… So the first thing really comes down to identifying the problem? What’s the problem? Did something change in your company and it ruffled people’s feathers? Was there a regulation that came down the caused things to shift? Did a leader decide the “grass was greener on the other side”? Sometimes when there’s a lot of emotion build up its hard to see through the drama to the facts. But if you can get clear on what’s causing the problem and we can move to the solution.
What’s The Solution? I don’t know of one major meltdown that hasn’t been fixed by Personally sponsoring! It’s the be-all-end-all to fix all problems when it comes to rebuilding. You need a new wave, New Blood, new freshness!
We Had to Rebuild Also! I’m no stranger to the situation. We had been working with our company for about a year-and-a-half… Things were booming! Everything was great! Our volume was bigger than ever before! We felt like we were on FIRE! It was amazing!…
And Then It Happened. You know what I’m talking about… things started shifting things started moving. People started becoming unhappy and yes people started leaving. Our volume dropped by 65%! Yes that was NOT a Typo I said 65%! At this point so many people would have quit. And of course it was very discouraging. But I think this is really when you find out who you are. You find out if your dreams and goals are worth it. You find out if you really believe in them.
You Have to decide…Are You Going to sit down like the rest? Or are you going to stand up and fight? So what do you do? No matter where your business is at, you have to find out who’s with you. You may not have what you had before. But if you still have people that want to run… then it’s time to be real. Sometimes a core group of people who are committed and on fire for their goals can do amazing things. Just think about Braveheart! Up Against All Odds! Think about the 300 Warrior! Who would have thought they could have made such an impact? So get your core people and rally together. Put a game plan in place and decide to go for it!
Change is Constant! Just think about the people who sold vinyl records, 8 Tracks, and Cassette Tapes! They would have gone out of business along time ago if they did not change and adapt! When ever change happens you, you have to move and shift with the times!
It’s a Mindset Thing… What do you believe is possible. What are you willing to do about it? What you will not take as acceptable in your life?
Resilience is KEY! There is one word you need to think about and focus on and that is RESILIENT! You need to be resilient! When the waves of the life are coming… You need to come out on your surfboard! Think of yourself like a rubber ball it doesn’t matter what happens. It doesn’t matter if you get pushed down. You will always bounce back up! And the best part is, you can bounce higher than ever before!
So What Ended Up Happening to Us? Well out of the muck and the mire, and the hurt and the pain, out of the disappointment. A core group of us decided to band together. We decided to do this! We ran Crazy promotions! We did crazy things! We got back to basics! We got out into the streets; we locked arms and worked with the people that were committed. And from that, our volume exploded! It literally grew about 600% within a 12-months! Yeah I know, crazy right! And today there are over 20 Six Figure Earners that have come from the team, because of the core group who did not quit!
If It Happened for Us, It Can Happen For You! God is no respecter of persons! If there is a dream that he has put in your heart… You have to go fight for it! You need to be resilient!
Additional Resources:
5 Tips to Help You Get to The Finish Line
How to Move Past the Struggle In Network Marketing
Here is something else that will further help you to get over your fear! Its 10 Steps Process for RANK ADVANCING! If you are ready to bust thru your limitations and get to your BREAKTHROUGH then this is for you!
I believe that these 10 Steps are essential to ranking on up! They will help you blast past your fears… defy your difficulties… And create a new belief system and way of thinking that will cause you to WIN!
If You Are Ready to See Yourself Get Paraded Across Stage at Your Next Company Convention!… If you are ready to start living life on your terms! If you are ready to claim whats already yours and live your dreams to the full… then this is for you! Don’t wait another minute. Its time to get on with the businesses of getting things done! It’s time for your BREAKTHROUGH! Click here to get started!
There is much more to come! I will be sharing on going business principles to Increase your Leadership, Maximize Results and help you become a TOP EARNER!! Be Blessed & Live Victorious!
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Summer Jeronimo’s Network Marketing Blog Post
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“I Teach Network Marketers Business Principles to MAXIMIZE RESULTS, INCREASE LEADERSHIP & EARN MORE!
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PS- Are you looking for a way to make things go faster? Are you consider coaching? Check out the Work with Summer Tab and perhaps we should talk!