Holiday Slump? So you may have heard that Building your Network marketing Business during the Holidays can be quite challenging. And while there are always the regular hurdles to overcome, there are actually some awesome benefits you can take advantage of —- if you choose to!
Christmas Parties If you get invited to a Holiday Party — GO! Be it a Christmas Party, New Years Eve Party, Church Party, Work Party, Neighborhood Party— what ever! LOL! There will be a ton of new people you could meet and connect up with. Go and make a point to meet all the “Key” people. Focus on building connections and having meaningful conversation. Talk about them & they will love you! Get a good phone # or connect on Social media. Then let them know you may hit them up in the future about something cool you are working on…
Take Advantage Of the Shopping! There are people Everywhere! Use it to your benefit! I know this is usually when people hate shopping… Why? There are tons of people and long lines. But this is actually perfect for you! There are tons of NEW people you can meet out and about. And the lines create an ideal situation to chit chat and make a new friend while you are waiting. Hit the stores and make a friend… Or maybe 2 or 3! LOL!
Here’s a short video to explain all the details…
I hope this added some value to you! There is much more to come! One of the big things that I know people struggle with today in their business is how to market on social media. I have something that will help! Click here & you can download my “ Social Media Blue Print -Online Techniques To Attract Prospects To YOU!”. These are things that I use all of the time and you can start using them right here and now! Get Your free gift & ENJOY!
Did this help you? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented below and shared on Facebook. Also here are some insight quotes you can pass along!
There is much more to come! I will be sharing on going business principles to Increase your Leadership, Maximize Results and help you become a TOP EARNER!!
Be Blessed & Live Victorious!
Summer Jeronimo’s Network Marketing Blog Post
Email: [email protected]
“I Teach Network Marketers Business Principles to MAXIMIZE RESULTS, INCREASE LEADERSHIP & EARN MORE!
I do “Live” Trainings on Facebook! Here is how to Join the Party! Just update your settings and you will know when I jump on! Click Here
PS- Are you looking for a way to make things go faster? Are you considering coaching? Check out the Work with Summer Tab and perhaps we should talk!