Leadership is extremely important you may have heard the phrase from John Maxwell “Everything Rises and falls on leadership”… And you know what, that’s true! In fact the larger your team gets, the more people you have to lead, the more that leadership becomes a crucial Factor.
In fact one of the things that have learned is the greater you are as a leader, the more you will be able to attract higher-caliber people to you. So here are eight simple ways to increase your leadership.
Number One: Be the Best Promoter Out There! In network marketing we promote our Products, Company, Events, Bonus Promotions… you know, the works! In order for you to get the full benefit you have to do it all out! When you do, your team will follow in suit and duplicate. In turn, you will get the maximum benefit of what you are promoting.
Number Two: Over Communicate and Don’t Assume. Oftentimes especially in the area of starting new people, we assume that they know what they’re doing. Wrong! It’s always better to over communicate and don’t assume that they know much. By doing that you will ensure that nobody falls through the cracks and everybody in the organization is help.
Number Three: Be Authentic. Have you ever heard the phrase “dogs can smell fear”? Well the same is true with people! When you’re not genuine, people can sniff that out a mile away!
Number Four: Speak Life to their dreams! We live in and day and age where we are surrounded by so much negativity. If one person tries to break free it is so easy for the general crowd to reach up and try and pull them back down. Create an environment of encouragement. Speak Life to their potential. And what you see that could come to pass. In doing that, they might just believe you, and actually go for it!
Number Five: Care Enough to Bring Correction. This is extremely important and yet it is the easiest one to avoid. Why because it’s tough to tell someone where they’re wrong. Sometimes you know the area someone needs to improve in, but because it’s uncomfortable, or you don’t want to hurt their feelings, we don’t. Be a greater leader than that. When you know someone needs to change something in order to advance, and you believe in your heart they are ready to hear the correction. Then share it with them. I often start by asking them first if they’re open to “receiving feedback”.
Number Six: Give the Credit Away! This is so crucial. People are rarely recognized at their work or any other setting. The more you can give the credit away, the greater you will make your team feel about themselves. And when they feel better about themselves, they will leave that they can do more. When they believe they can do more, they actually do it. And in turn the results magnify your business and grow at a much faster rate.
Number Seven: Love your Team. Don’t use people and love money. Love people and use the money. Remember the more money you have, the more it amplifies who you already are.
Number Eight: Grow so Much You Always have Something to Give. You as a leader must stay out in front. You must constantly be growing who you are as a person whether it be with your Tactical skills, prospecting, showing the plan, public speaking. Or be it with the less tangible things like: Leadership, communication, conflict resolution, the ability to connect. Stephen Covey talks about “sharpening the saw.” We must keep our skills sharp. We must always strive and improve to get better. The top leaders in the world read a book a week and have been doing that for many years… When was the last book you read? Just think about what you want to accomplish in your life. And if you need some additional skills to get there, you might want to start with that. It will be a path that will pay you dividends a many times over!
Here is the link mentioned in this video: 4 ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS to ATTRACTING PROSPECTS TO YOU on Social Media These are things that I use all of the time! Download the MP3 and You can begin attracting Prospects ASAP! I know this will help and I am excited for the results you will get!
There is much more to come! I will be sharing on going business principles to Increase your Leadership, Maximize Results and help you become a TOP EARNER!! Be Blessed & Live Victorious!
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